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Monday, February 23, 2009
11:53 PM

It has been a long while since I last blog.
Sorry to dissapoint all my loyal readers. If I have any that is. LOL
Sad to say that todae is Monday and the week starts all over again.
After a long day from camp, i just simply laid back on my bed and chill thinking about what I have been through so far.
Time really flies. This year I am officially 21.
Checkpoint in life, 16, 18, 20, 21

This is where yr true teenage life begins. Full of vitality and energy.

This is another point in life where you are considered as an young adult.
Your actions, responsiblity and ethical values determine who u are.

Twenty is the changing point from a 1 to 2. LOL
From this point onwards you are no longer considered a teen But an matured individual awaiting the age of 21 to become a full grown adult.

From this point onwards each individual have to begin to path their life ahead. This is the biggest crossroad in anyone's life. At this age, one not only have to live and survive for themselves. One would have to also care and protect their love ones around them, including family and friends.
From where one is, one needs to make right desicions in life to take them to a greater height.

Hahahx after all the crap philosophical stuff back to my routine.

Unknowingly few drops of tears just rolled down my face while laying back in my bed. It has nothing to do with any emotions like sadness or happiness. Neither did I yawn -.-
I have no idea how that came about. Perhaps is just my subconsciousness or the emptiness inside me.

Anyways arnd 9pm, I headed to a nearby gym to exercise.
I have heard a few times from adults saying this to me and it chills me.
"Last time when I was your age, I used to be as skinny as you, but look at me now -.-"
This is where I get my motivation to train and maintain.

I shall stop here for now and continue to lay back in my bed. Over and out readers.
