underneath the stars
I'll wait for you.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009
10:10 PM

Hmm have always wanted to blog for the past few days.. but somehow once I get started on it, I would be lost for words in between..
Anyways, its been a long November.. Rain seems inevitable almost everyday.
Walked in the heavy rain today and loved that kind of feeling. Forgetting everything at the back of your head, just purely enjoying that cold weather and raindrops falling onto your skin.
As always a hectic week so far. Not going to whine on how bad things are cuz its not going to change things. The days of the week will still go on, and weekends will still come ! =P
Got my route mapped out ahead of me once I finished my service. The best part, its somewhat working towards my ambition. Smile ppl, if there are certain things that dun seem to be going your way, just remember that things would only get better.

Friday, November 13, 2009
12:36 AM

Tadeh, there u go people.. Few hours of revamping and debugging. Finally got this up and going.
Lots to blog but too tired for the day.. shall blog soon.. Nights ppl
